In this topic, you will learn how to create a grant schedule in G5.
Click the Grant Schedules menu item to begin the process of creating a grant schedule.
Step 1Note: You must first search for the grant schedule you want to create to verify that it does not already exist in the system.
Step 2Enter the search information into the Fiscal Year field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2014".
Step 3Enter the search information into the CFDA Number field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "420".
Step 4Enter the search information into the SubProgram ID field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "D".
Step 5Click the Search button to search for the grant schedule.
Step 6The system displays a message confirming that the grant schedule does not exist.
Click the Create button to create the new grant schedule and move to the Subprogram Search tab.
Step 7Enter the appropriate search criteria to retrieve the subprogram.
In this example, enter "2014" in the Fiscal Year field.
Step 8Click the Search button to search for subprograms which meet the criteria.
Step 9Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the results.
Step 10Click the Select button to mark CFDA/Subprogram 84.420D.
Step 11Click the Continue > button to move to the General tab.
Step 12Enter the correct information into the Schedule Title field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Elementary Schools".
Step 13Click the button to the right of the Action Type field to display the list of action types.
Step 14Select the New Competition list item.
Step 15Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 16Click the Continue button to move to the Estimates tab.
Step 17Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view all the fields.
Step 18Click the button to the right of the Review Tier field to display the list of tier choices.
Step 19Select the Single Tier list item for this example.
Step 20Enter the correct information into the Original Planned Number of Applications field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "80".
Step 21Enter the correct information into the Original Planned Number of Awards field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "45".
Step 22Click the Continue button to move to the ACCS tab.
Step 23Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view all the fields.
Step 24Note: For Pell grants, the ACCS information will be entered at the subprogram level and will default in the grant schedule. For all other grants, the ACCS information will be entered at the grant schedule level.
Step 25Enter the correct information into the Fund Code field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "1000A2014".
Step 26Note: A sample ACCS string has been completed as shown.
Step 27Click the Add button to add the ACCS to the grant schedule you are creating.
Step 28Enter the correct information into the Original Planned Amount field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "150000.00".
Step 29Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 30Click the Continue button to move to the Team tab.
Step 31Click the button to the right of the Grant Team field to display the list of grant teams.
Step 32Select the appropriate grant team from the list.
In this example, select EZ | Training Grant Team.
Step 33Click the Show Team Members button to display the list of members for the team you selected.
Step 34Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down and review the team members.
Step 35Click the Continue button to move to the Contacts field.
Step 36Click the Add button to add a Primary Contact.
Step 37The list of available contacts displays.
Click the Select button to mark Morgan Richards.
Step 38Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 39Click the Continue button to return to the main Contacts tab.
Step 40Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 41Click the Continue button to move to the Activities tab.
Step 42Click the button to the right of the Schedule Templates field to display the list of schedule templates.
Step 43Select the New Competitions, No Rule Making & Use the Generic Application Package list item.
Step 44Click the Apply Template button to apply the template to the schedule.
Step 45Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the activity fields.
Step 46Enter the correct information into the Develop CDN Original End field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "01/03/2013".
Step 47Press the Tab key on your keyboard.
Step 48Note: The Duration calculates automatically when you tab out of the End (date) field.
Step 49Enter the correct information into the CDN to Division of Regulatory Services Original Duration field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "69".
Step 50Press the Tab key on your keyboard.
Step 51Note: The End (date) also calculates automatically when you tab out of the Duration field.
Step 52Note: The remaining activity fields have been completed with sample data as shown.
Step 53This is the next set of sample activities.
Step 54Click the Continue > button to move to the Summary tab.
Step 55Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 56Checking the Automatic Issue Creation boxes will generate grant issues for the awards on this schedule when certain criteria are met.
In this example, check the 2 or more key personnel changes option.
Step 57Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 58Click the Add Objective button to add a project objective.
Step 59Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 60Enter the information into the Objective Title field.
In this example, enter "Increase graduation rate".
Step 61Enter the desired information into the Performance Measure field.
In this example, enter "Graduate 100 students".
Step 62Click the Measure Type field to display the list of measure types.
Step 63Select a measure type from the dropdown list.
In this example, select Project.
Step 64Enter a target in each of the available fields: Raw Number, Ratio, or Percentage (%).
In this example, enter "100" in the Raw field.
Step 65Click the Continue button to move to the Summary tab.
Step 66Note: If you need to change any information, you can click on the appropriate tab to return to that section of the grant schedule to modify it.
Step 67Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and review the information you have entered.
Step 68Click the Submit button to submit the information to the system and move to the Confirmation tab.
Step 69The system displays a message indicating that the new grant schedule has been created successfully.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
Step 70Note: If you want to enter additional schedules, you can click the Done button and return to the search screen to repeat the process.
Step 71Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 72Congratulations!
You have successfully created a grant schedule.