Purpose : This procedure demonstrates how to create a grant schedule in G5.  The grant schedule is associated with an Agency Designator Code/CFDA, Subprogram ID and Fiscal Year and contains information about a grant competition.  There can be many schedules for one subprogram. Grant schedules are used for both discretionary and formula award types.  The action type selected for the schedule determines the templates displayed to the user as well as other data entry requirements for completing the schedule. 


To create the schedule, a Program Office Scheduler enters the total number of applications, awards and dollar amounts expected for the schedule.  The accounting codes also are entered and validated against the accounting system, FMSS. The Scheduler adds a Grant team and identifies the schedule contacts.  The user either selects a grant schedule template, with associated master activities and sub–activities, or copies a list of master activities and sub-activities from another grant schedule.  The templates and list of additional activities are maintained by the Department. 


G5 Role: G5 Functional User


Navigation Path : Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > Grant Schedules


Prerequisites : There are no prerequisites for this topic.

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