In this topic, you will learn how to upload budget data for multiple awards.
The Budget Data Upload functionality involves uploading a CSV file which must be saved on your computer or a network drive.
The file must be formatted as it appears here. It must contain the PR/Award Number, Budget Fiscal Year, a recommended amount for each worksheet category, and the total recommended amount.
The recommended amounts must be in Number format and cannot contain dollar signs, commas, or decimals.
Step 1Click the Mass Upload Budget Data menu item under Grant Maintenance to upload budget data.
Step 2Click the Browse... button to locate the CSV file.
Step 3Click the BudgetDataUpload list item.
Step 4Click the Open button.
Click the Open button to pull the file you selected into the Mass Upload Budget Data page.
Step 5Click the Budget Data Upload button to upload the file.
Step 6Click the Submit button to complete the budget data upload.
Step 7Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 8Congratulations!
You have learned how to upload budget data for multiple awards.