Purpose: The Mass Upload of Budget Data capability allows PO users to upload Budget data to multiple applications/awards by uploading a single CSV file. This upload can be carried out for applications/awards for which the budget complete indicator is marked as ‘No’.

G5 Role(s): G5 Program Executive Office or G5 Functional User

Navigation Path: Grant Maintenance > Mass Upload Budget Data

Prerequisite(s): The prerequisites for this topic are:

  1. The award must be in Received, Recommended, or Rolled Over status.
  2. Budget periods must be created but not marked complete.
  3. The Budget Data file must be saved in CSV format.
  4. The file must contain the PR/Award Number, budget fiscal year, a recommended amount for each worksheet category, and the total recommended amount.
  5. The recommended amounts must be in Number format and cannot contain dollar signs, commas, or decimals.

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