In this topic, you will learn how to upload participant numbers for a subprogram.
The Participant Number Upload functionality involves uploading a CSV file which must be saved on your computer or a network drive.
The file must be formatted as it appears here. It must contain the Budget Fiscal Year, CFDA/Subprogram, PR/Award Number, and the Participant Number. The Comment field is optional.
Step 1To begin, check the subprogram to ensure that the Participant Number Indicator has been checked.
Click the Subprogram menu item under Grant Setup to query the subprogram.
Step 2Enter the search information into the Fiscal Year field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2015".
Step 3Enter the search information into the CFDA Number field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "042".
Step 4Click the Search button to search the system for subprograms which meet the criteria.
Step 5Click the Select button to mark CFDA/Subprogram 84.042A.
Step 6Click the Inquire button to view the subprogram you selected.
Step 7Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the subprogram information.
Step 8Ensure that the Participant Number Indicator is checked.
If it is not checked, the subprogram must be modified to check the box.
Step 9Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll up the page.
Step 10Click the Mass Upload Participant Number menu item under Grant Maintenance to upload participant numbers.
Step 11Click the ParticipantNumberUpload list item.
Step 12Click the Open button.
Click the Open button to pull the file you selected into the Mass Upload Participant Number page.
Step 13Click the Participant Number Upload button to upload the file.
Step 14Click the Submit button to complete the participant number upload.
Step 15G5 will validate the file for errors. If the validation is successful, the system will display a message indicating that the upload has been performed successfully.
Step 16If there are issues with any of the awards, red error messages will be displayed here. These errors are caused by either formatting issues or data errors on the CSV file.
Each record must be successful to perform the upload.
Step 17Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 18Congratulations!
You have learned how to upload participant numbers.