In this topic, you will learn how to create a performance report package for your performance report milestone.
Hover over the Grant Maintenance menu and click the Package Maintenance menu item to begin the process of creating a performance report package.
Step 1Click the Create button to create a new report package.
Step 2Note: Enter the appropriate information on the General tab.
The Fiscal Year, CFDA/Subprogram, and Schedule Number entered here must reflect the Fiscal Year on which the grantee is reporting and the associated Schedule Number for that Fiscal Year.
Step 3For example, if your awards were first obligated in FY22 on Schedule Number 1 and you are building a report package for that period, you will enter Fiscal Year 2022 and Schedule Number 1 here.
If those awards were rolled over to Schedule Number 2 for FY23 and you are building a report package for that period, you will enter Fiscal Year 2023 and Schedule Number 2 here.
Enter the correct information into the Fiscal Year field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2011".
Step 5Enter the correct information into the CFDA/Subprogram field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "84.420A".
Step 6Note: It is important that you build the report package on the same schedule as the milestone on the award. If this data is incorrect, it will not allow the grantee to view the Annual Performance Report when published.
Enter the correct information into the Schedule No. field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "1".
Step 7Click in the Report Type field to select the report type.
Step 8Select the appropriate report type from the list.
In this example, click the Annual Performance list item.
Step 9Enter the correct information into the Report Package Title field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Pell Annual Performance Report".
Step 10Click the Show Calendar icon to display the calendar for the Expected Due Date field.
Step 11Click the Expected Due Date on the calendar.
In this example, click April 2.
Step 12Click the Show Calendar icon to display the calendar for the OMB Expiration Date field.
Step 13Click the OMB Expiration Date on the calendar.
In this example, click April 2.
Step 14Note: Enter the report contact information in the appropriate fields. This information will be displayed to the grantee.
These fields have been completed for you in this example.
Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 16Use the Select checkboxes to select the forms you want to add to the report.
In this example, click the Select checkbox for the 1852_6003_Grant Performance Report (ED 524B) Project Status Chart option.
Step 17Note: All of the forms have been selected for you in this example.
Step 18After selecting the forms, click the Add button to add the forms to the Selected Report Forms list.
Step 19Note: The forms now appear on the Selected Report Forms list. All forms that you want to be included in the report package must be on this list.
Step 20The Section A form and Cover Sheet will automatically be required.
Click the Required to Complete checkbox to mark the Section B & C form as required.
Step 21Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 22To create a project narrative form, enter the correct information into the Heading field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Pell Students".
Step 23Enter the correct information into the Max # of Attachments field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2".
Step 24Enter the correct information into the Max Size(MB) field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "5".
Step 25Enter the correct information into the Page Limit field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "3".
Step 26Click the Add Narrative button.
Step 27Note: If you want to create additional narrative forms, click the Add button.
Step 28Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 29Use the Display Order fields to determine the order in which forms appear on the published report package.
In this example, enter "1" in the Display Order field for the Grant Performance Report Cover Sheet.
Step 30Note: The Display Order fields have been completed for you in this example.
Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 32Click the Add button to add a Project Objective.
Step 33Enter the project objective in the text field then click the Add Objective button.
Step 34Enter the correct information into the Display Order field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "1".
Step 35Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 36Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 37Note: The Alerts/Warning Messages fields will be prepopulated.
Step 38Click the Notify Authorizing representative of Critical Date Alerts option.
Step 39Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 40Enter the title of the instructions document in the Document Title field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "APR".
Step 41Click the Upload button to upload the instruction document then click the Add button to add the instruction document to the report package.
Step 42Click the Continue button to move to the next tab.
Step 43Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 44Click the Submit button to submit the report package.
Step 45A confirmation message will appear indicating that the report package has been created.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 46Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 47Congratulations!
You have successfully created a performance report package.