In this topic, you will learn how to inquire on applied refunds.
Click the Refunds Maintenance menu item to begin the process of inquiring on applied refunds.
Step 1Click in the Refund Type field to display the list of refund types.
Step 2The refund types are defined as follows:
Unapplied - - These refunds came through the FMSS Refunds Interface and were not automatically matched to award information in G5.
Applied - - These refunds were manually applied in G5.
Returned to FMSS - - These refunds were returned to FMSS (reversed).
Step 3Select the All list item.
Step 4Enter the correct information into the SF-215 Number field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "87144".
Step 5Click the Search button to search for refunds which meet the search criteria.
Step 6Click the 87144 link to view the applied refund for SF-215 Number 87144.
Step 7The user can review the Refund Information including Refund Amount, Date, Balance Unapplied and whether or not the refund was returned to FMSS (reversed). The user can also view the Payee Name and UEI.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 8At the bottom of the screen, the user can view the Return Refund Reason (when applicable) and Award Information including award balances and refunds amount applied to the award.
Step 9Click the Inquire Refund History button to view the history of the refund.
Step 10Click the < Previous button to return to the refund details.
Step 11Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 12Click the < Previous button to return to the search results screen.
Step 13If you would like to inquire on additional applied refunds, you may click Clear and perform a new search.
Step 14Click the My HomePage menu to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 15Congratulations!
You have successfully inquired on applied refunds.