Purpose : This demonstrate how to create a Subprogram in G5. Creating a Subprogram requires the program officer schedule to enter program specific information.  The unique program information can include the award type, action type, and Principal Office organization. There are three ways to create a subprogram record. The first is to create a Subprogram by entering data for the first time. The second is to copy information from an existing Subprogram Base record.  The third is to Rollover the information to create a Subprogram record for the next fiscal year.  The Copy and Rollover functionalities were created to reduce the time associated with data entry and award set-up.  


G5 Role : Program Office Scheduler


Navigation Path : Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > Subprogram 


Prerequisites : The prerequisites for this topic are: 

1. A CFDA has been previously created and approved in the system. 


For your Information: The Subprogram established in G5 is the base record for the program each fiscal year. When establishing the Subprogram, it is important to consider what is entered because it impacts the post award phase of the obligated grants.  For example, if you establish a performance period for 36 months, but a grantee requests a  month no-cost extension and you try to process it in G5 as an admin action. G5 will give you an error message. You will receive the error message because the performance period established in the Subprogram id for 36 months, not 42 months.  Additionally, you cannot set up a Subprogram without an approved CFDA, and you must establish a Subprogram in order to create your program schedule for the fiscal year. The subprogram can only be set up if you have the g5ProgramOfficeScheduler.


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