Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how to generate a Technical Review Form (TRF).  A technical review form is created by the Program Office staff and then used by the Reviewers when they perform the application review process.  The form contains all of the questions that the Reviewers will use to evaluate and score the applications they review.  Also, once a form goes from Published to Unpublished, in order for it to be published again, a new version number will be assigned. 


G5 Role: Program Office Staff (as long as their office is associated with the CFDA Subprogram) and G5 Functional User


Navigation Path: Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > Technical Review Form


Prerequisites : The prerequisites for this topic are: 

1.  A CFDA must exist in the system. 

2.  A subprogram must exist in the system.

3.  A grant schedule must exist in the system.

4.  A competition tier must exist in the system for the associated grant schedule.

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