Purpose : This procedure demonstrates how to create a CFDA in G5.  When Congress establishes a new grant program, ED must announce the availability of federal assistance through the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA).  The catalog is a government-wide source that lists all domestic assistance programs and activities as authorized by a federal statute. 


When a new grant program is established, a Principal Office user enters pertinent information in G5 and creates the CFDA Description Document.  Creating a CFDA program involves two sets of activities. The first set is to create a new record in G5 by entering CFDA program information.  The second set of activities is to create the CFDA Description Document  


After a CFDA program is created, the CFDA program can be reviewed by the A-89 representative. The A-89 representative can either approve or disapprove the CFDA program.  However, upon the approval of a CFDA program, G5 automatically assigns a CFDA number to the program. Once approved, the CFDA program record becomes the basis from which the Subprogram Base Record is created. 


The CFDA is published annually in June and updated in December.  CFDA program information, in the form of a document, is submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and must conform to a standard format as defined by OMB.  The CFDA Catalog is available through the General Services Administration (GSA).


G5 Role : G5 Functional User 


Navigation Path : Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > CFDA 


Prerequisites : There are no prerequisites for this topic .  

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