Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how Program Executive Office users will be able to perform Mass Upload of Formula Supplements in a single CSV file.  Supplements are changes in dollar amounts for current or previous budget periods.  Supplements can either increase or decrease the available award amount for the grantee.  The Mass upload capability will allow Program Executive Office users to upload multiple formula supplements at one time using a CSV format file.

G5 Role : G5 Functional team, Program Executive Office


Navigation Path : Grant Maintenance > Supplements Maintenance > Mass Upload Formula Supplements  


Prerequisites : The prerequisite for this topic are: 


1. Award must be in Open Status

2. Award must be in Obligated Status

3. ACCS String must be available in G5 system

4. There must be no pending Supplement(s) for each award included in the CSV file.

5. There must be no pending Admin Actions for each award included in the CSV file.

6. Users must Upload Supplements using a CSV formatted file

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