In this topic, you will learn how to view approval history for a discretionary slate in G5.
Click the Slate menu to begin the process of viewing approval history.
Step 1Enter the search information into the Fiscal Year field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "2009".
Step 2Enter the search information into the CFDA/Subprogram field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "84.003A".
Step 3Enter the search information into the Schedule No. field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2".
Step 4Click the Search button to search for the schedule/competition.
Step 5Click the Select button to mark the schedule/competition which displays.
Step 6Click the Manage Slate button to open the slate.
Step 7Click the Recommended and Above option to view awards which have a status of "Recommended" or higher.
Step 8Click the Update button so that the system will display only awards which are "Recommended" or higher.
Step 9Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 10Click the View Approval History button to view the approval history.
Step 11The list of slate versions displays. For this example, there is one version to date.
Click the Select button to mark the version which displays.
Step 12Click the View Version button to view the version you selected.
Step 13Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and review the data which displayed.
Step 14The system displays data which includes PR/Award Number, Applicant Name, UEI, Requested Amount and Recommended Amount.
Click the < Previous button to return to the Discretionary Slate tab.
Step 15Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 16Click the Cancel button to return to the search screen.
Step 17Note: You can search for additional schedules/competitions to view the slate approval history.
Step 18Hover over the Main menu and click the Home menu item to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 19Congratulations!
You have successfully queried and viewed approval history for a discretionary slate.