In this topic, you will learn how to inquire on or modify accounting treatments.
Click the Accounting Treatment Maintenance menu item to begin the process of inquiring on or modifying accounting treatments.
Step 1You may search for treatments using any single field or combination of fields. This example will focus on searching by ACCS Year.
Step 2Click the button to the right of the ACCS Year field to display the choices for ACCS Year.
Step 3Select the CU-Current Year list item for this example.
Step 4Click the Search button to search for the treatments which meet the criteria.
Step 5Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the search results.
Step 6The system displays the accounting treatments by Transaction Type. You may also see the Award Type, Fund Type, general ACCS information and Effective Dates.
You may click on the Transaction Type link for each accounting treatment to view the details.
Step 7Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down further.
Step 8For this example, click the general (no specific award type) DD-Draw Down link to view the details.
Step 9The system displays the general information about the treatment as well as the GL Accounts.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 10Note: You may view the history of the accounts by clicking the View History button.
Step 11Click the Cancel Inquire button to return to the search screen.
Step 12Note: If you would like to review additional accounting treatments, you may scroll down and select another to view or perform a new search.
Step 13Click the Home menu to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 14Congratulations!
You have successfully inquired on or modified accounting treatments.