In this topic, you will learn how to screen an application in G5.
Click the Application Maintenance menu item to begin the process of screening an application.
Step 1Note: You must first search the system for the application you want to screen.
Step 2Enter the information into the Fiscal Year field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2022".
Step 3Enter the information into the CFDA/Subprogram field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "84.011A".
Step 4Enter the information into the Schedule No. field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "1".
Step 5Click the Search button to search for applications which meet the criteria.
Step 6Click the Select radio button to select the application you want to screen.
In this example, click the Select radio button for PR/Award P011A220004.
Step 7Click the Screen Application button to begin screening the application.
Step 8Click the Select option to indicate that the Narrative was received with the application.
Step 9Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the remaining portions of the Eligibility screen.
Step 10Note: The application defaults to Complete, and you must manually uncheck the box if it is incomplete.
In this example, click the Application Complete checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Step 11Note: Applications may be flagged as potential duplicates if two applications for a grant program share the same grantee UEI number.
If you have identified a duplicate application, you can check the Confirmed Duplicate checkbox and enter the PR/Award number in the text field.
Step 12Also Note: The application defaults as Eligible. You may also mark it as Ineligible or Pending. If you mark an application as Ineligible, you must choose a reason from the list displayed and enter an explanation in the Comments field. If you mark the application as Eligible or Pending, then Not Applicable should remain selected.
Step 13Click in the Eligibility Status field to display the list of eligibility statuses.
Step 14Select the appropriate Eligibility Status.
In this example, select Ineligible.
Step 15Click the appropriate radio button to select an ineligibility reason.
In this example, select The Application Does Not Contain the Information Required Under the Program.
Step 16Enter an explanation of why the application has been marked ineligible in the Comments field.
In this example, enter "The application is incomplete.".
Step 17Click the Continue > button to move to the Summary page.
Step 18Note: When you mark an application as Ineligible, the Application Status automatically changes to Do Not Process.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and review the information you have entered.
Step 19Click the Submit button to submit and save your work.
Step 20The system displays a message indicating that the application has been successfully screened.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 21Click the Done button to return to the Application Maintenance page.
Step 22Note: Now that the application marked been marked ineligible, the Application Status is Do Not Process. Therefore, the application will not appear on the Discretionary Slate or Formula Allotment.
Step 23Click the My Home Page menu item to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 24Congratulations!
You have successfully screened an application.