Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how to generate other review related forms that may be created during a review cycle.  Initially, the Technical Review Form is created with all of the questions (and formats/scores) the Reviewers will use as a guide when they read/review the grant applications assigned to them within a competition.  These additional forms are set up after the Technical Review Form, by the Program Office staff.  These forms include Reviewer Evaluation Form (Panel Monitor), Exit Assessment (Reviewer), Panel Assessment, Record of Discussion and Other Forms.  The reviewer will complete the Exit Assessment Form.  The Panel Monitor completes all of the other forms.  A form must have the status of "Published" in order for it to be able to be displayed to the reviewer or other appropriate actor for answering.  Once a form is created, it is given a version number which is also used when a form is published or unpublished. 


G5 Role: Program Office Staff (as long as their office is associated with the CFDA Subprogram) and G5 Functional User


Navigation Path : Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > Other Forms


Prerequisites : The prerequisites for this topic are: 

1.  A technical review form must exist in order to create standard review forms.

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