Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how a Panel Monitor will evaluate the competition panels in G5. The panel evaluation form (known as the Panel Assessment) is optional and its need is determined by the Competition Manager during the development of the Application Technical Review Plan. Forms are available once they are published. The Panel Assessment forms are open for Panel Monitors to complete through five business days after the Panel End Date. This is controlled manually by publishing and un-publishing the forms. A Competition Manager may extend the Panel Review End Date for critical reasons if needed.
G5 Role: G5 Panel Monitor
Navigation Path: Grant Setup > Review Process > Complete Evaluations
Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this topic are:
1. User has knowledge of the application Technical Review Plan and competition requirements.
2. User has been assigned to a competition panel in G5 as a Panel Monitor.
3. Reviewers have completed the review process.
4. The Panel Assessment has been published in G5.