In this topic, you will learn how to generate and print status letters. us of an award. Before you start , please make sure you have the required roles in G5
Click the Status Letter Generation menu to begin the process of generating status letters.
Step 1Click the button to the right of the Choose a letter type field to display the list of letter types.
Step 2Note: There are different letter types. This example focuses on the Award Status Notification letters.
Step 3Select the Award Status Notification list item for this example.
Step 4Note: You may use any combination of the fields in the Search Criteria section. This example will focus on searching for the awards for a specific subprogram.
Step 5Enter the information into the Fiscal Year field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2009".
Step 6Enter the information into the CFDA/Subprogram field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "84.938R".
Step 7Click the button to the right of the Notification Type field to display the list of notification types.
Step 8Notification Types
The award status notification letters are defined as follows:
Pre-Closeout Award Status - - notifies grantees that the final reports are due within sixty days and informs them that a failure to submit the final report will result in awards being closed in non-compliance.
Closeout Award Status - - notifies grantees and payees that their awards are closed.
Non-Compliance Award Status - - notifies grantees that their awards have been closed in non-compliance and informs them of the consequences.
Closeout Contact Letter - - notifies grantees and payees when their awards are closed manually.
Step 9
Select the Closeout Award Status list item for this example.
Step 10Click the Search button to search for awards which meet the criteria.
Step 11Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the awards.
Step 12Note: You may select one, many or all the awards by using either the Select All functionality or checking the individual Select boxes as needed. This example will focus on generating letters for all the awards listed.
Step 13Click the All option to mark all the awards.
Step 14Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll back down to the list of awards.
Step 15All the awards are now selected.
Step 16Click the Continue > button to continue to the Generate Letters screen.
Step 17Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 18A letter has generated for each of the awards and you may open and download any of them by clicking the link under the Letter column. You may also modify the template for the letter by clicking the link.
Step 19Click the Modify Template link to view the Template information.
Step 20Note: You may upload a modified template to replace the existing one. The template provides the standard verbiage for all the letters.
Step 21For this example, the current template will be used.
Click the < Previous button to return to the list of generated letters.
Step 22Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down to the action buttons.
Step 23Click the View button to view the consolidated file which contains all the letters.
Step 24The next two frames show samples of the letters which generated in the consolidated file.
Note: The consolidated file allows you to print all the letters simultaneously if you need to do so.
Step 25You may print the letters by simply clicking the print icon at the top of the screen.
Step 26After printing the letters, click the Close Tab button to close the screen and return to the G5 tab.
Step 27Note: If you need to save any of the letters, you may click the separate link for the letter.
Click the Document.doc link for the last letter listed to open or save the letter.
Step 28Note: You may open the file as a word document or save it.
Step 29After you close the document download window, click the < Previous button to return to the search results screen.
Step 30Note: If you would like to generate letters for another subprogram, you can enter new search terms and repeat the process.
Step 31Click the Home menu item to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 32Congratulations!
You have successfully generated and printed a status letter.