Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how to manually enter applications into G5.  This applies to discretionary, formula and fellowship applications.  A fellowship application has a main organization, but it is associated with one or more individuals.  The information captured for organizations vs. individuals is slightly different.  Individual awards are given directly to persons and are associated with discretionary awards.  The system will also provide the capability to enter military addresses and international addresses.  Fellowship awards are a type of discretionary award that are awarded to a school or organization, but they are given to an individual recipient.  The award type is selected for the CFDA number/Subprogram ID and schedule number while creating the subprogram information


G5 Role: Program Office Staff, ACC and G5 Functional User


Navigation Path: Grant Setup > Application > Application Maintenance


Prerequisites : The prerequisite for this topic is: 

1.  A hard copy of an application is received.

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