Purpose : This procedure demonstrates how to inquire or modify a CFDA in G5.   When Congress establishes a new grant program, ED must announce the availability of federal assistance through the CFDA Catalog.  The catalog is a government-wide source that lists all domestic assistance programs and activities as authorized by a federal statute.  


The CFDA is published annually in June and updated in December.  CFDA program information, in the form of a document, is submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and must conform to a standard format as defined by OMB.  The CFDA Catalog is available through the General Services Administration (GSA).  


After a CFDA program is created, the CFDA program can be reviewed by the A-89 representative.  Once approved, the CFDA program record becomes the basis from which the Subprogram Base Record is created. 

G5 Role : G5 Functional User 


Navigation Path : Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > CFDA 


Prerequisites : The prerequisites for this topic are: 

1. A CFDA has been previously created in the system. 

2. The CFDA was saved, but not submitted for approval.  

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