In this topic, you will learn how to update your Conflict of Interest (COI) status.
Click the Application Review menu to begin the process of updating your Conflict of Interest status.
Step 1Click the Select button to mark the panel which displays.
Step 2Click the Continue > button to move to the Application Review List tab.
Step 3Note: In this example, the reviewer has already scored and submitted two of three Technical Review Forms. The third application has a status of Blank since the reviewer opened the application to begin reviewing it and at that point realized there was a conflict of interest. A reviewer may update the Conflict of Interest (COI) status at any point prior to submitting scores for the application in question.
Step 4Click the Update COI button to update your Conflict of Interest status.
Step 5Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the applications and links for the conflict of interest forms.
Step 6Note: You can click on the appropriate link to access the form you will need to fax to the Department.
Step 7Click the Yes option to indicate a conflict of interest for PR/Award No. I215W110002.
Step 8Click the Continue > button to continue to the next screen.
Step 9Important Note: Once you have indicated a conflict of interest, you will be blocked and unable to access the competition. At that point, you may work with the Department's program office to remove that application from your list and restore your access to the competition.
Step 10Click the Home menu item to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 11Congratulations!
You have successfully updated your Conflict of Interest status.