In this topic, you will learn how to add a receipt date to a performance report.
Hover over the Grant Maintenance menu item and click the Performance Monitoring function to the monitor performance report screen.
Step 1Enter the desired information into the Fiscal Year (YYYY)* field. Enter "2013".
Step 2Enter the desired information into the CFDA/Subprogram field.
In this example, enter "84.420C".
Step 3Click the Search Awards button to search for the desired award.
Step 4Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 5Mark the desired award by clicking the Select button.
In this example, click the Select button to mark award Z420C130001-13.
Step 6Click the Modify Performance button to access the performance details for the desired award.
Step 7Click the Report Details tab to view performance milestones.
Step 8Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 9Mark the desired report type by clicking the Select button.
In this example, click the Select button to mark the Annual Financial report.
Step 10Click in the Modify button to modify the performance report details.
Step 11Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 12You can enter the receipt date manually by typing in the field or select a date from the calendar.
In this example, click the Show Calendar icon to view the calendar.
Step 13Select the desired date on the calendar.
In this example, select the September 4 cell.
Step 14Click the Update button to update the Receipt Date field.
Step 15Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 16Click the Continue button to move to the Summary tab.
Step 17Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 18Click the Submit button to submit and save your work.
Step 19Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 20Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 21Congratulations!
You have successfully added a receipt date to a Performance Report.