In this topic, you will learn how to modify electronic forms.
Click the Electronic Forms Maintenance menu item to begin the process of modifying electronic forms.
Step 1Enter the form title information into the Title field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Disclosure".
Step 2Click the Search button to search the system for the forms with the title you entered.
Step 3Click the Select button to mark the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities form.
Step 4Click the Modify button to begin modifying the form.
Step 5Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down through the information on the Form tab.
Step 6Click the Add button to display the list of CFDAs and Subprograms which are available to add.
Step 7Note: You may add selected CFDAs and Subprograms or you may add them all. For this example, all the CFDAs and Subprograms will be added.
Step 8Click the Add All >> button to add all the CFDAs and Subprograms.
Step 9Click the Continue > button to return to the Forms tab.
Step 10Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 11Note that all the CFDAs and Subprograms are now added or associated to the form.
Step 12Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Step 13Click the Continue > button to move to the Instructions tab.
Step 14Enter the instruction document's title into the Title field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Lobbying Rules".
Step 15Click the Browse… button to search for the document you want to upload in your directories.
Step 16Select the Lobbying Rules list item.
Step 17Click the Open button to display the document in the Document field.
Step 18Click the Upload button to upload the instructions document to G5.
Step 19Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
Step 20The document you uploaded is now available for viewing and printing.
Step 21Click the Continue > button to move to the Template tab.
Step 22Click the Continue > button to move to the Summary tab.
Step 23Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the summary information.
Step 24Click the Submit button to submit and save the modifications.
Step 25The system displays a message indicating that the form was successfully updated.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 26Note: If you would like to modify additional electronic forms, you may click Done and return to the search screen to repeat the process.
Step 27Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 28Congratulations!
You have successfully modified electronic forms.