Purpose : This procedure demonstrates how to delete a CFDA Subprogram in G5. Please note that you will not be able to delete a subprogram if it has a schedule that is “locked” and it already has awards and/or applications associated with it, then it cannot be deleted. In this case that you need to delete your subprogram you will need to contact the G5 hotline at 888-336-8930 for further assistance.
G5 Role : Program Office Scheduler or G5 Functional User
Navigation Path : Grant Setup > Planning and Scheduling > Subprogram
Prerequisites : The prerequisites for this topic are:
1. A CFDA has been previously created in the system.
2. The CFDA was submitted for approval and approved by the A-89 Representative.
For More Information: Please note that you will not be able to delete a subprogram if it has a schedule that is “locked” and it already has awards and/or applications associated with it, then it cannot be deleted. In this case that you need to delete your subprogram you will need to contact the G5 hotline at 888-336-8930 for further assistance.