In this topic, you will learn how to edit tracking dates for a monitoring review.
On the My HomePage screen, click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 1Click the Start Date link in the Open Monitoring Reviews field to access the desired review.
In this example, click the 08/30/2013 link.
Step 2Click the Update Dates link to modify data in the Tracking Information field.
Step 3The Edit Tracking Information window will appear. This section allows you to track dates for important milestones/events associated with this review.
Step 4In this example, click in the Monitoring Notification Letter Sent to Grantee field.
Step 5You can type the date in the field or select the date from the calendar.
In this example, select September 2 from the calendar.
Step 6Click the Save button to save the tracking date.
Step 7A message will appear confirming that the monitoring review has been saved successfully.
Step 8Hover over the Main menu and click the My HomePage menu item to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 9Congratulations!
You have successfully edited tracking dates for a monitoring review.