Purpose: This topic provides instructions on how internal users register for and activate an account in G5.  Before registering in G5, internal ED employees and contractors must complete and submit the EDCAPS Applications & Reporting Security Form to request G5 access.  The form can be found in connectED and the EDCAPS Portal.  After the form is approved, the user will receive an email from the G5 administrators asking them to register in G5 and activate their account.  When the activation is complete, the administrator can then assign roles to the user's G5 account.

G5 Role: All internal G5 roles. Users will request their required roles on the EDCAPS Applications & Reporting Security Form prior to registering.

Navigation Path: G6 Home Page (G6.ed.gov)

Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this topic are:

1. The user must complete and submit the EDCAPS Applications & Reporting Security Form.

2. The user must have completed the required training for the roles requested on the form and provide proof of completion.

3. The form must be approved by all approvers.

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