Purpose:  This procedure demonstrates how to mark a budget as "Complete" in G5.  A budget must be marked as "Complete" in order for the funding status to be eligible to be changed to "Recommended."  Note that a budget cannot be marked complete if there is not a designated Project Director on the key personnel list. 



G5 Role:  Program Office Staff (as long as their office is associated with the CFDA Subprogram) 



Navigation Path:  Grant Setup > Discretionary Grants > Budget Data and Abstracts 



Prerequisites:  The prerequisites for this topic are: 


1. A grant schedule with a selected grant team exists in G5 for the discretionary award.

2. If scoring is required for the competition, scores have been captured as raw or standardized and a ranking has been provided. 

3. The funding status must be less than "Obligated."

4. A budget data worksheet (or worksheets) was(were) previously entered and saved in G5. 

5. At minimum, the Project Director has been entered and saved on the Key Personnel list. 

6. The FAPISS Certification must be checked yes.

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Mark Budget as Complete for a Discretionary Award Concept Pane