In this topic, you will learn how to inquire on the status of an Exempt Award.
Click the Exempt Award Maintenance menu item to begin the process of viewing exempt award information.
Step 1Use the available fields to search for the award you want to view.
In this example, we will search by PR/Award No.
Step 2Enter the award number in the PR/Award No. field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "P004A220034".
Step 3Click the Search button to search for awards which meet the search criteria.
Step 4Click the Select radio button to select the award you want to view.
Step 5Click the Inquire button to view the exemption status.
Step 6After reviewing the information, click the < Previous button to return to the previous page.
Step 7Note: If you want to search for additional awards, you may click Clear and perform a new search.
Step 8Hover over the Main menu and click the My HomePage menu item to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 9Congratulations!
You have learned how to inquire on the status of an Exempt Award.