Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how to obligate funds if a grantee's SAM registration is "Inactive". If the SAM registration is "Inactive" program staff will receive an error message. Staff will need to follow the SAM "exempt" process in order to obligate funds. This process will obligate funds for New Competition, Non-Competing Continuation, Supplements and Reinstatements awards. When the award is flagged as SAM “Exempt,” program staff is able to obligate funds; however, G5 will automatically place the award on “Route Pay.” Program staff will have to select the special term and condition associated with the SAM inactive registration status and it will print on the GAN. When the entity’s registration status is returned to active, and the SAM “Exempt” Status is removed, G5 automatically removes the “Route Payment” flag as well.
In order for users to obligate (with the exception of G5 team members who may need to obligate for program office users in certain situations), they must have a license stating the dollar amount and subprograms within which they are allowed to obligate. Also, the user who committed funds in G5 is not allowed to obligate the same funds in G5.
G5 Role: G5 Functional Obligate Team, G5 Program Office Obligate Team
Navigation Path: Grant Maintenance > Awards > Obligate Funds
Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this topic are:
1. Funds have been committed in G5.
2. Where applicable, award continuation has been rolled over.
3. The applicant UEI is "Inactive".
4. The Grant Award Notification (GAN) has been printed.