Purpose: This procedure demonstrates how to move applications between competition tiers within the G5 system. The applications must be moved in order to work with them at the different tier levels. The terms used are "promote" to move to a higher tier and "demote" to move to a lower tier.
G5 Role: Program Office Staff (as long as their office is associated with the CFDA Subprogram)
Navigation Path: Grant Setup > Review Process > Panel Structure
Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this topic are:
1. Approved reviewers have been entered into G5 and checked in EPLS.
2. User has knowledge of the application Technical Review Plan and competition requirements.
3. The grant schedule, associated with the competition, contains an activity for panel review with assigned start and end dates, allowing G5 to automatically populate these dates to the Panel Start and End Dates. However, if the grant schedule does not have panel review dates, G5 will prompt the user to enter these dates.