In this topic, you will learn how to reset your G5 password online.
Click the Sign In button to view the login options.
Step 1Click the Sign In button to open the G5 homepage.
Step 2Click the I Agree button to agree to the terms and open the G5 homepage.
Step 3On the G5 Home Page, click the Reset Password hyperlink.
Step 4Enter your G5 User ID into the User ID field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "".
Step 5Click the Continue > button to move to the next screen.
Step 6The system displays a message indicating that an email has been sent.
Step 7Hover over and click the Home menu item to return to the Home Page.
Step 8Next Steps
The has system sent a message to your email address which will include a link for resetting your password. You may now navigate to your email to see the link.
Step 9There will be a No-Reply type of email from G5 in your In Box. Open the message and click the Reset My Password link to continue the process of resetting your password.
Step 10Clicking the link routes you back to G5 to continue the process. Enter the answer to your Secret Question into the Secret Answer field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Mike".
Step 11Click the Reset Your Password button.
Step 12The Change Your Password screen displays with the rules for setting or resetting passwords.
Enter the new password you would like to use into the New Password field. For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Te@cher2".
Step 13Re-enter the new password into the Confirm Password field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "Te@cher2".
Step 14Click the Change Password button to change your password to the one you just entered.
Step 15The system displays a message indicating that your password has been changed successfully.
Click the Done button to acknowledge the note and indicate that you are done with the process.
Step 16Congratulations!
You have successfully reset your password.