Purpose:  This procedure demonstrates how to approve a NCC slate in G5.  This functionality provides the means to approve Non-Competing Continuation awards for CFDA/Subprogram funding.  The awards are given an initial status of "Rolled Over" and must be changed to "Recommended" to be approved on the slate. Once approved the awards may now be committed and obligated to fund the awards. 


G5 Role:  Program Office Staff (as long as their office is associated with the CFDA Subprogram) 


Navigation Path:  Grant Setup > Discretionary Grants > Slate  


Prerequisites:  The prerequisites for this topic are: 


1. NCC award must be in "Rolled Over" status. 

2. Budgets must be in "Completed" status

3. The funding status must be less than "Obligated."

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Approve an NCC Slate Link