In this topic, you will learn how to view, compare and comment on multiple TRFs as a Panel Monitor or Quality Control Monitor.
Click the e-Reader Query Capability option to review competition information.
Step 1Enter the search information into the Fiscal Year field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "2016".
Step 2Enter the search information into the CFDA/Subprogram field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "84.382C".
Step 3Enter the search information into the Schedule No. field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "1".
Step 4Click the Search button to search for competitions which meet the criteria.
Step 5Click the appropriate radio button to select the panel you wish to review.
In this example, select the "NASNTI 2016 REVIEW - 1 - 1" panel.
Step 6Click the Applicants button to view the applicants.
Step 7Click the appropriate radio button to select the application you wish to review.
In this example, select "P382C160004 - Fort Lewis College"
Step 8Click the Continue button to review information for the selected application.
Step 9Use the checkboxes to select the reviewer TRFs you wish to review.
Step 10Click the Response Comparison button to compare the selected TRFs.
Step 11The QC Notes tab will show an overview of each TRFs score by question.
Comments by Reviewers are listed by question. Questions are available by top level filter only. Answers for subsection will appear with the higher level question.
Navigating down the page will show a reviewer comments for the selected question. The Panel Monitor or Quality Control Monitor can also make comments to one another about the responses.
Step 12Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 13Click the Question # field to select a question to review.
Step 14Select the question you want to review from the list.
In this example, select Question 3.
Step 15Click the Go to button to view the selected question.
Step 16Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 17Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 18The question short text and subsections are shown below the question dropdown.
Each of the reviewers should be addressing relevant points based on the search criteria.
Step 19Comments by each reviewer are displayed in the columns below. Up to three reviewer comments may be viewed at a time.
Step 20Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 21The Quality Control Monitor and Panel Monitor can make comments about each Field Readers response. All comments are made at the top question level, and are limited to 4000 characters.
Step 22Enter a comment for the appropriate reviewer.
In this example, enter "Please edit response" in the Notes field for McMurry, Kermit R.
Step 23Click the Save button to save your comments.
Step 24Once comments are Saved, you will be taken back to the top of the page and the system will generate a successfully saved message.
Navigating away from the question before saving a comment will delete the comment.
Step 25Click the vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.
Step 26The Comparison Tab will show an overview of each TRF's score by question. The Panel Monitor can email comments/notes on the reviewer's response from this tab page.
Step 27From the Comparison Tab Panel Monitors enter and send comments via email. Panel Monitors have the option to send an email to a selected reviewer or send all comments to all reviewers at once.
Step 28Congratulations!
You have successfully reviewed how to view, compare and comment on multiple TRFs as a Panel Monitor or Quality Control Monitor.