In this topic, you will learn how to reassign refunds while they are in Unapplied status.
Click the Refunds Maintenance menu item to begin the process of reassigning refunds.
Step 1You may search for the refund(s) using the SF-215 Number, Confirmation Number, Date, Refund Type, Payee UEI or any combination of fields. For this example, the refund(s) will be queried by SF-215 Number.
Step 2Enter the correct information into the SF-215 Number field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "87144".
Step 3Click the Search button to search for refunds which meet the search criteria.
Step 4Click the Select radio button to select the refund you want to reassign.
In this example, click the Select radio button to select the refund that appears.
Step 5Click the Reassign Refund button to move to the Reassign Refund details tab.
Step 6The refund details display including the Payee Name and UEI.
Step 7Click the UEI Lookup button to search for the Payee UEI to which you want to reassign the refund.
Step 8Enter the information for the UEI to which you want to reassign the refund into the UEI field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "GGG777HHH888".
Step 9Click the Search button to display the details for the UEI you entered.
Step 10The system displays the details for the Payee UEI you entered.
Click the Select button to mark the Payee UEI which displays.
Step 11Click the Continue button to return to the Reassign Refund tab.
Step 12The new Payee UEI information you just selected now displays on the Reassign Refund tab.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 13Click the Continue button to move to the Summary tab.
Step 14Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and review the changes you have made.
Step 15Click the Submit button to submit and save the reassignment.
Step 16The system displays a message indicating that the refund was successfully reassigned.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 17Click the Done button to return to the search screen.
Step 18Next Steps
You may now re-query the refund to ensure that it was reassigned in the system.
Step 19Enter the correct information into the SF-215 Number field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "87144".
Step 20Click the Search button to re-query the refund.
Step 21The Payee UEI information displays for the UEI to which the refund was reassigned.
Step 22If you would like to reassign additional refunds, you may click Clear and perform a new search.
Step 23Click the My HomePage menu to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 24Congratulations!
You have successfully reassigned refunds.