In this topic, you will learn how to update and resubmit a technical review form which was submitted previously.
Hover over the Grant Setup menu and click the Application Review menu item to begin the process of updating a technical review form.
Step 1The Panels List tab displays with your panel.
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 2Click the Select option to mark the panel.
Step 3Click the Continue > button to continue to the Application Review List.
Step 4Click the Select option to mark application P422A110031.
Step 5Click the Continue > button to continue to the Main Questions tab for the application you selected.
Step 6You may update any or all of your answers and scores. For this example, the Need for Project question will be updated.
Click the Need for Project menu item at the topic level.
Step 7The question displays with your original answer(s).
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and view the entire question as well as the action buttons.
Step 8Click in the Weaknesses field to highlight your original answer.
Step 9Press [Delete] to delete your original answer.
Step 10Enter the updated answer into the Weaknesses(Required) field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "The timeline might be a little aggressive".
Step 11Enter an updated score into the Question Score: field.
For this example, enter a valid value e.g. "36".
Step 12Important Note: After you submit for the first time, there is no longer a Save button. You must proceed to the Summary tab after you have completed your changes and click Submit again.
Step 13Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll back up to the top of the screen.
Step 14Click the Summary tab to move to the summary information.
Step 15Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down and review the summary of your changes.
Step 16Click the Submit button to submit and save your updates.
Step 17The system displays a message indicating that the technical review form was successfully submitted (resubmitted in this case).
Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down.
Step 18Click the Go To Home button to return to the My Home Page screen.
Step 19Congratulations!
You have successfully updated and resubmitted a technical review form which was submitted previously.