In this topic, you will learn how to authenticate your G5 login using the Voice option.
To begin, enter your Email ID and Password on the G5 homepage.
Click the Yes, I Accept the Terms checkbox.
Step 2Click the Login to G5 button to log in.
Step 3Click the Voice tab to authenticate your login using the Voice option.
Step 4The Voice tab allows you to authenticate your G5 login by receiving a phone call.
The phone call will provide you with a numerical code which you must enter in the Passcode field on this page. The code is provided twice during the call and expires after 60 seconds.
Step 5To begin, you must select the phone number on which you want to receive the call. The Voice tab will display the phone numbers you entered in your G5 profile. The last four digits of each phone number will appear on the page.
Click the appropriate radio button to select the phone number on which you want to receive the call.
In this example, click the first radio button to select the XXX-XXX-0954 option.
Step 6Click the Request Passcode button to initiate the phone call.
Step 7Next, you will receive a phone call on the selected phone number. During the call, you will be provided a numerical code which you must type into the Passcode field.
Click in the Passcode field to enter the numerical code.
Step 8The code has been entered for you in this example.
Note: The code will be active for 60 seconds from when you receive the phone call. If you do not enter the code in the Passcode field within the 60 second window, you must reselect the phone number and press the Request Passcode button again to receive another call with a new code.
Step 9After entering the code, click the Verify Code button to complete the authentication.
Step 10You will then be logged in to G5 and the homepage will appear.
Step 11Congratulations!
You have learned how to authenticate your G5 login using the Voice option.