Purpose:  This topic will provide instructions on how existing G5 users log in using Login.gov.  This topic is intended for external users who currently have an active account in G5.  In order to use Login.gov, you must have an account.  If you do not have a Login.gov account, you can follow the "New Login.gov User" instructions in this tutorial.  During the registration process, you must establish at least one multi-factor authentication method via an authentication app, text or phone call, or using security codes provided by Login.gov.  After you have created a Login.gov account and logged in, you will land on the G5 homepage and have access to the functionality associated with your user roles. 

Note: The email address on your Login.gov account must match the email address on your G5 account.

If you try to log into G5 using Login.gov and you do not have a G5 account, you will land on the External User Registration page.  You must then register for a G5 account.  For instructions on creating a G5 account, please see the topics on registering in G5 as a payee, reviewer, project director, or applicant.

G5 Role: Not Required

Navigation Path: G5 Home Page (G5.gov)

Prerequisites: The prerequisite for this topic is:

1. You must have an active account in G5.

2. The email address on your Login.gov account must match the email address on your G5 account.

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G6 Login.gov Authentication Link