In this topic, you will learn how to edit your profile in the G5 system as a payee or servicer.
Click the My Profile menu to move to the Edit Profile screen.
Step 1Payees and servicers can use the Edit Profile page to request updates to their email addresses, names, assigned UEIs, and more.
To request these changes, the user must complete the G5 Payee/Servicer Access Request Form and submit the form using Adobe Sign or a notarized paper form.
Step 2To request an email address change, click the Email Change radio button.
Step 3When performing an email change, you will be prompted to enter your new email address. This email address will then populate on the G5 Payee/Servicer Access Request Form.
Step 4Click the Other Changes radio button to request name changes, UEI changes, or access level changes.
Step 5Enter your senior official's email address in the Senior Official Email Address in the field.
In this example, enter "".
Step 6Click the checkbox to acknowledge that you and your senior official will verify your signatures with and sign the form using Adobe Sign.
Step 7Click the Send Adobe Form button to submit the form request.
Step 8A message will appear confirming that the link to the Adobe Form has been sent to your email address.
Step 9You will receive an email titled "Signature requested on "G5 Payee Access Form"."
Click the Review and sign button in that email.
Step 10Click the Verify Identity button to open
Step 11Enter your email address and password for your account then click the Sign In button.
Step 12Enter the code provided by your multi-factor authentication option.
In this example, enter "326329" in the 6-digit code field.
Step 13Click the Continue button.
Step 14The G5 Payee Access Request Form will appear in Adobe Sign.
Click the Continue button to begin the signature process.
Step 15Click the Start button to begin editing fields.
Required fields are identified by a red asterisk(*).
Step 16The form can now be edited.
Use the checkboxes at the top of the page to specify the changes you wish to make.
Step 17This example will cover how to request a UEI change.
Click the A current G5 Payee user who wants to change or add a Payee UEI number(s) on their account checkbox.
Step 18Enter your name in the Payee User Name fields.
In this example, enter "Applicant" in the Last Name field.
Step 19The First Name field has been completed for you in this example.
Next, enter your phone number in the Telephone # field.
In this example, enter "2025555555".
Step 20Enter the new UEI in one of the Payee UEI fields.
In this example, enter "AAA111BBB222" in the first Payee UEI text field.
Step 21Next, click the appropriate checkbox to specify the access level you need for the provided UEI.
In this example, select Full Access.
Step 22Click in the Payee User Signature field to add your signature.
Step 23Your signature will in a popup window.
Click the Apply button to add your signature to the form.
Step 24Your signature now appears on the form.
Click the Click to Sign button to submit your signed form.
Step 25You will receive a confirmation that you have finished signing the form. The form will next be sent to your senior official for their signature.
After your senior official signs the form, it will be sent to the G5 team for processing. You will receive a resolution email after your account has been updated.
Step 26Congratulations!
You have successfully edited your profile in the G5 system as a payee or servicer.