In this topic, you will learn how to create a payment request in G5 Mobile.
Click the Payments menu item to view payment information.
Step 1Click the Create button to initiate a payment request.
Step 2The Request Payment page lists all available awards which are in Open or Liquidation status.
Step 3Click the Award Number field to select the desired award number.
In this example, select award P418A130001.
Step 4You can click on the Recipient Name field to display additional award information.
In this example, click on Training University.
Step 5Enter the desired information into the Payment Amount field.
In this example, enter "10.00".
Step 6You can also enter or modify the Recipient Reference if necessary.
Click in the Recipient Reference field.
Step 7Enter the desired information into the Recipient Reference field.
In this example, enter "Training Award".
Step 8Click the Submit Request button to confirm the payment request.
Step 9Click the OK button to accept the certification statement.
Step 10A message will appear at the top of the page to confirm that the payment request has been successfully submitted.
Click the Done button to return to the Payments screen.
Step 11Congratulations!
You have successfully created a payment request.