Welcome to the G5 Help online training simulation environment!
To help facilitate your learning experience, the Outline Pane to the left organizes the content by Modules, Sections and Topics.
Expand the Module (i.e. G5 Introduction and Navigation) and then Section (i.e. User ID and Profile Management) by clicking on the plus symbol (+). Then highlight a Topic and select one of the playback modes (See It, Try It or Know It) from the top right-hand side of the screen to review that topic.
Note: Certain topics will have what are called Jump-in Points which allow you to skip ahead in the topic. You may see if a particular topic has Jump-in Points by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the playback mode (See It or Try It).
Also Note: If you need to close a topic without completing it, you may click the Escape (Esc) Key on the keyboard.