View an Electronic GAN


In this topic, you will learn how your grantee views an electronically signed grant award notification (GAN).


  1. Before you begin the following must be met by your grantee:


    1. The Grantee must have the role Project Director or Certifying Official on the award


    2. The Grantee must have a G5 account (If you do not have an account, go to, click on the "Not Registered? Sign Up" link in the top left of the page and follow the prompts)


    3. The name and email address on the GAN must match exactly the name and email address on their G5 account (If the names are incorrect on the GAN, as the program officer you will need to complete an administrative action to correct their email address or name )


    If the Grantee is the Project Director on the award, they must select the "Project Director" role in G5 and enter the Grantee UEI that is listed on the award when prompted to enter a Grantee UEI (the grantee does not need to enter a Payee UEI).

    Step 1
  2. Hover over the Grant Maintenance menu item and click the Award Documents function to view the list of available GANs.

    Step 2
  3. The Award Documents page allows Project Directors, Certifying Officials, and Authorizing Representatives to view electronically signed Grant Award Notifications by clicking on the GAN Document links.

    Step 3
  4. The available GANs are listed at the bottom of the page. You can also use the Search Criteria fields to find a specific GAN.


    Note: The CFDA/Subprogram and PR/Award No fields are case sensitive.

    Step 4
  5. Each time a change is made to an award such receiving additional funds for a new budget year or an administrative action like a Project Director change is processed, the resulting GAN will receive a new action number.

    Step 5
  6. Click the GAN Document link to view the desired electronic GAN.


    In this example, click the GAN-Z420C130001 link to view the GAN.

    Step 6
  7. The GAN will open in a new window in PDF format. 

    Step 7
  8. Click the Vertical scrollbar to scroll down the page.

    Step 8
  9. Confirm that the electronic signature appears on the GAN. 


    After viewing the electronic signature, click the Close icon button to close the GAN.

    Step 9
  10. If the electronic signature does not appear and you receive a "Validity Unknown" error on the GAN, you will need to configure the settings within your version of Adobe Acrobat.


    Click the Validating G5 Signatures link for instructions on modifying these settings.

    Step 10
  11. Hover over the Main menu item and click the Home function to return to the Home page.

    Step 11



You have successfully viewed an electronic GAN.