Purpose : This procedure demonstrates how a project director requests approval for an administrative action for an obligated discretionary award to which the project director is associated.  An administrative action, also referred to as an admin action, is one or many changes to an award’s details such as UEI, Address and/or Budget Period Dates.  Unlike other areas of functionality in G5, users can extend the performance period to exceed the maximum performance period months specified on the associated subprogram without changing the number of months specified on the subprogram.  Project directors are unable to request an admin action (with the exception of the category of ‘Other’) if an admin action in Draft, Submitted or In-Process status already exists for the award.     

G5 Role : G5 Grantee 


Navigation Path : Grant Maintenance > Administrative Actions > Initiate Actions 


Prerequisites : The prerequisite for this topic is: 


1. An award exists in G5 with the status of "Obligated."

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Create an Admin Action Request as a Grantee Concept Pane